
12 Easy Steps to Make Money Online – Youtube Money Calculator | Digitalposh

12 Easy Steps to Make Money Online (YouTube Money Calculator)


Youtube Money Calculator: A Guide to Improve Earnings with these 12 valid reasons for YouTube’s invalid traffic

Your earnings on YouTube may be greatly impacted by invalid traffic. Let’s discuss typical situations and how to fix errors in your videos to increase your monthly earnings.

1. Click Fraud

Example: For instance, if you observe an abrupt spike in clicks without a corresponding rise in interaction, there may be click fraud going on. To get real clicks, make sure your content matches your title and thumbnail.


Improvement: To bring in viewers who are interested in your videos, make eye-catching thumbnails and titles that accurately describe your content.

2. View Botting

Example: A sharp increase in views coming from unidentified sources might be a sign of view botting. Sincere participation is essential for long-term profitability.


Improvement: Concentrate on advertising your videos to the people who will watch them, making use of social media and other channels to generate real views.

3. Engagement Manipulation

Example: One way to spot this is to look for a video that has a lot of likes but not many comments or shares. Genuine communication is essential.


Improvement: Encourage viewers to interact organically, share your videos, and leave comments. Create a community centered on your content.

4. Proxy Traffic

For instance, proxy traffic might be in effect if your traffic originates from unexpected locations. More revenue is generated by real viewers.

Pay attention to content that connects with your intended audience to generate natural views from nearby areas.

5. Paid Views from Unapproved Sources

Example: Buying views from questionable providers could result in traffic that isn’t relevant. Sustainable earnings require prioritizing quality over quantity.

To increase your audience naturally, make investments in partnerships and ethical marketing techniques.

6. Click Farms

Example: If you see a sudden spike in engagement from a specific region, it might be click farms. Long-term success requires genuine engagement.

Develop an engaged audience by regularly providing insightful and sincere content. Steer clear of shortcuts that compromise the integrity of your channel.

7. Content Scraping

For instance, having duplicate videos on several channels can skew engagement metrics. Sincere viewers are drawn to original content.

Improvement: Concentrate on producing unique content that distinguishes your channel. Notify YouTube of any unapproved usage of your videos.

8. Incorrect Titles or Thumbnails

Example: If people click on your content but don’t watch it, might not live up to their expectations. Sincere titles and thumbnails build confidence.

Improvement: Make sure the titles and thumbnails appropriately convey the content. Keep your word to win back the trust of the audience.

9. Ad Fraud

For instance, manipulating ad interactions impacts sponsors and lowers total income. Genuine ad interactions benefit everyone.

Improvement: Motivate viewers to engage with advertisements sincerely. Steer clear of any methods that artificially increase ad engagement.

10. Automated Software Interactions

Example: Statistical data can be distorted by bots that mimic human interaction. Accurate metrics depend on sincere engagement.

Improvement: Pay attention to producing content that connects with actual viewers. Genuine connections result in long-term development.

11. Examine Exchange Programs

For instance, coordinated views might suggest involvement in exchange initiatives. A more robust revenue stream benefits from genuine views.

Improvement: Give top priority to creating a community around your material. Real interactions and views are worth more than numbers that have been manipulated.

12. Abuse by Embedded Players:

Example: As an illustration, forcing views through third-party websites may result in erroneous traffic. Authentic enthusiasm for your writing is essential.

Improvement: Let your viewers find your content on its own. Use respectable techniques to advertise your videos.

Note: Maintaining a healthy YouTube channel requires understanding and avoiding invalid traffic practices. If you put real engagement first, you’ll eventually see gains in monthly earnings as well as viewer trust. Success will come if you concentrate on producing content that connects with your audience.

YouTube Revenue: Simple Calculation

YouTube calculates revenue for a video through a combination of CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPC (cost per click) models. The formula for revenue (R) is often expressed as:


Here, CPM represents the earnings per thousand impressions, and CPC represents the earnings per click. YouTube typically provides creators with a share of the revenue generated from ads shown on their videos. For example, if a video has 100,000 views, a CPM of $2, and 500 clicks with a CPC of $0.05, the monthly revenue would be:

R = (2 times 100,000) / 1000 + (0.05 times 500) = $200 + $25 = $225

This formula helps content creators understand how their video’s performance, in terms of views and engagement, contributes to their monthly earnings on the platform.

YouTube platforms and monetization strategies

By spreading out their sources of income, creators can become less reliant on any one source and develop a steady income. The examples given highlight the different ways YouTube allows content creators to make money off of their work and interact with viewers.

Easy 10 YouTube Revenue Sources:

  • 1. Ad Revenue: Creators earn a share of the revenue from ads displayed on their videos, including various ad formats like display, overlay, skippable, and non-skippable video ads.
    Example: If a video has 100,000 views with a $2 CPM (cost per thousand impressions), the monthly ad revenue would be (2 times 100,000) / 1000 = $200.
  • 2. YouTube Premium Revenue
    Creators receive a portion of the revenue generated from YouTube Premium subscribers who pay for an ad-free experience.
    Example: YouTube Premium subscribers contribute to a pool, and creators get a share based on the watch time of their content by Premium subscribers.
  • 3. Channel Memberships
    Viewers can become paying members of a channel, receiving exclusive perks. Revenue from memberships goes to the creator.
    Example: If a creator offers channel memberships at $4.99/month and has 1,000 members, the monthly revenue would be 4.99 times 1000 = $4,990.
  • 4. Super Chat and Super Stickers
    During live streams, viewers can purchase Super Chat messages or Super Stickers to highlight their messages. Creators receive a share of the revenue from these interactions.
    Example: If viewers contribute $50 in Super Chats during a livestream, the creator receives a share of that amount.
  • 5. YouTube Merchandise Shelf
    Creators can sell their merchandise directly on their channels. Revenue from merchandise sales goes to the creator.
    Example: If a creator sells $500 worth of merchandise through the Merchandise Shelf, they receive the full $500.
  • 6. YouTube Shorts Fund
    Creators can earn from the Shorts Fund based on the popularity of their short-form content on YouTube Shorts.
    Example: If a creator’s shorts contribute significantly to the overall Shorts Fund pool, they receive a share based on the viewership of their shorts.
  • 7. Affiliate Marketing
    Creators earn commissions by including affiliate links in their video descriptions, leading to sales.
    Example: If a tech reviewer includes affiliate links to recommended products and generates $100 in sales, they earn a commission based on the affiliate agreement.
  • 8. Sponsorships and Brand Deals
    Creators collaborate with brands for sponsored content, receiving payment for featuring a product or service in a video.
    Example: A beauty influencer may receive $1,000 for creating a video featuring a cosmetic brand’s products.
  • 9. Crowdfunding Platforms
    Creators use external platforms like Patreon for direct fan support, often offering exclusive content or perks to supporters.
    Example: If a creator has 200 patrons contributing an average of $3 each per month on Patreon, their monthly revenue would be 200 times 3 = $600.
  • 10. YouTube AdSense for Other Platforms
    Creators earn AdSense revenue when viewers watch ads on YouTube videos shared on external platforms.
    Example: If a creator shares a YouTube video on their blog, they can earn AdSense revenue when viewers watch ads on the embedded video, contributing to monthly earnings.
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